Metarhizium anisopliae | ABNMa 201
This bioinsecticide is biotechnologically developed to sterilize female weevils and to produce the death of adult weevils.


Concentration: 5.0 X 10⁹ Conidia/g equals to 1.2 x 10¹² Metarhizium anisopliae conidium in 240g
Presentation: Wettable powder 240 g
Plagues: Pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii)
Crops: Chili peppers and bell peppers


META–SIN® WP is formulated with conidia of a strain of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. This product is designed so that the conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae adheres, germinates and penetrates the insects’ cuticle until reaching the hemocoel, spreading throughout their interior, causing their death.

The symptoms produced by META–SIN® WP in the insect are: loss of appetite, disorientation, weakness, decrease in sensitivity, progressive loss of functions, including oviposition, and death. The insect’s corpse acquires a mummified appearance.


  • Controls insect pests
  • High degree of specificity
  • Can be used at all stages of plant development
  • Allows harvesting after application (Zero-hour re-entry interval)
  • Strengthens the development of healthier plants, and improves crop quality and crop yield
  • Does not harm the ecosystem because its active ingredient is a microorganism found in nature. It is innocuous and has no toxic residues
  • Synergistic in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices. It is compatible with agricultural products. Please refer to the Agrobionsa’s products compatibility table for detailed information
  • Prevents secondary pest development
  • Suitable for resistance management. It does not generate resistance in the pathogens they attack
  • Promotes horizontal dissemination
  • Compatible with beneficial insects and pollinators because it does not harm their populations
  • OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Certified. It can be used in organic agriculture
  • COFEPRIS (Mexican Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk) registered product


At the following link:

  1. Select “Pesticidas”.
  2. Enter the following code: RSCO-INAC-0903-0289-002-3.0.
  3. Click on “Buscar”.

Moment of application

META–SIN® WP should be applied at the early detection of pest populations. The range of applications depends on the degree of crop infestation, environmental conditions, and reinfestation.

If the temperature conditions are high, it is recommended to apply META–SIN® WP very early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Application mode

Prepare a premix, place it in the application equipment tank and add water until the volume of the application mixture is reached. Ensure pH is between 5.5 and 7.0.

Preparation of the premix

In a container with 15 L of water with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0 and hardness less than 150 ppm, add META–SIN® WP and stir until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. If needed, use pH and/or hardness adjusters.

Preparation of the mixture for the application

To make the mixture in the application equipment tank, add the dispersant, the acidifier, and water to half of the application volume.

Then, stir the premix and empty it into the application equipment tank and add water until the volume of the application mixture is reached.

For good foliar coverage, utilize 100 L to 250 L of water/ha in terrestrial applications. In aerial applications, utilize 60 L to 80 L of water/ha.